
What should we pay attention to during the maintenance of high-speed rapier loom accessories?

Column:Common problem Time:2018-10-25
It is used in the field of knitting and plays an important role in it. There are many parts in rapier loom. The quality of rapier loom directly determines whether the production can proceed smoothly.

Rapier loom is a shuttleless loom which is widely used. For this kind of equipment, it has the characteristics of high speed and high efficiency, and is loved by people. It is used in the field of knitting and plays an important role in it. There are many parts in rapier loom. The quality of rapier loom directly determines whether the production can proceed smoothly. Therefore, in order to ensure the quality of work, we need to maintain the accessories of high-speed rapier loom. Here is a brief introduction of maintenance considerations.

The following points should be paid attention to in the process of maintaining the fittings of high-speed rapier loom: Firstly, after three months'operation of the new machine, it is necessary to check whether the gear clearance is normal or not. In the case of excessive gear clearance, it is necessary to adjust in time. In the process of adjusting, some lubricating oil should be added, so as to ensure the correctness of the new machine. It is often used to extend its use time. Secondly, the edge winch and scissors in high-speed rapier loom should be inspected. In addition, the bearings should be lubricated on time. Third, we need to replenish the copper sleeve in time.

The normal use of high-speed rapier loom has a direct relationship with its daily maintenance, so we should do a good job in the daily use of spare parts maintenance.

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