
Classification of textile machinery

Column:Industry dynamics Time:2018-10-25
Textile machinery is a variety of mechanical equipment needed to process natural or chemical fibers into textiles. Processing different fibers, such as cotton, hemp, silk and wool

  Textile machinery is a variety of mechanical equipment needed to process natural or chemical fibers into textiles. Processing different fibers, such as cotton, hemp, silk and wool, into textiles requires different processes, some of which are completely different, so the machines needed are also varied and varied.

   Textile machinery is usually classified according to production process, including spinning equipment, weaving equipment, printing and dyeing equipment, finishing equipment, chemical fiber drawing equipment, silk reeling equipment and non-textile cloth equipment. Spinning equipment is divided into two types: short fiber processing and long processing fiber. Cotton and cotton type chemical fibers belong to staple fibers, and wool, hemp, silk and their blended fibers belong to long fibers. The two types of fibers are processed in different processes, and the equipment can not be used, except that the design principles of some machines are similar. Even with the same kind of equipment, the structure of the machine is similar, but due to the nature of raw materials and different requirements for fabrics, it can not generally be used.

  Textile machinery is the means of production and material basis of textile industry. Its technological level, quality and manufacturing cost are directly related to the development of textile industry.

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