
Method for determining position of rear beam of rapier loom

Column:Common problem Time:2018-10-25
If rapier loom is used to weave yarn fabrics, the back beam should be adjusted to the middle position as far as possible, so as to optimize the weaving process.

The position of the rear beam of rapier loom is related to the machining effect. And the processing requirements are different, and the positions of the rear beams are different. Then we need to know how to determine the position of the rear beam of rapier loom.

1. weaving yarn fabric

If rapier loom is used to weave yarn fabrics, the back beam should be adjusted to the middle position as far as possible, so as to optimize the weaving process.

2. weaving fine tex high density fabric

If rapier loom is used to weave fine and special yarn high density fabrics, the back end should be moved to increase warp tension. In the case of opening and clearing the shuttle, the warp envelope angle to the back end should be reduced, so that friction can be effectively reduced. By reducing the probability of warp end breakage, the weaving process can be optimized smoothly.

3. weaving coarse tex yarn fabrics

For the people who use rapier loom to weave roving and special yarn fabric, it should be known that in this case, the back beam needs to be moved back, so as to increase the surroundings angle, it is necessary to maintain uniform tension, in order to optimize the fabric effect.

We need to adjust the position of the back beam according to the type of fabrics we need to manufacture, and we should pay attention to the adjustment range of the position of the back beam to keep in a reasonable range.

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